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Welcome to ShopBigIsland, an online business directory created to support Hawai`i Island businesses. Supported by the County of Hawai`i and the Hawai`i Island Visitors Bureau, ShopBigIsland is an opportunity for Hawai`i Island businesses to showcase their products and services, as well as their current “specials.” It’s also an opportunity for kama`aina to rediscover the products and services offered in their own community and around the island. Use our friendly map to identify the community you’re interested in and click through to a list of businesses and services which are open and ready to welcome you! It’s always the right time to show your aloha for our island’s businesses and ‘ohana.
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Lawe i ka maalea i kuonoono.
“Take wisdom and make it deep.”
I pledge to be pono (righteous) on the island of Hawaii.
I will mindfully seek wonder,
but not wander where I do not belong.
I will not defy death for breathtaking photos,
or venture beyond safety.
I will malama (care for) land and sea,
and admire wildlife only from afar.
Molten lava will mesmerize me,
but I will not disrupt its flow.
I will not take what is not mine,
leaving lava rocks and sand as originally found.
I will heed ocean conditions,
never turning my back to the Pacific.
When rain falls ma uka (inland),
I will remain high above ground, out of rivers and streams.
I will embrace the island’s aloha spirit,
as it embraces me.
Lawe i ka maalea i kuonoono.
“Take Wisdom and Make it Deep.”

Hawaii Island Visitors Bureau (HIVB) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to assist the travel industry in distinguishing Hawaii Island as a sustainable, diversified, global travel destination. Hawaii Island Visitors Bureau is not affiliated with Island of Hawaii Visitors Bureau (IHVB), Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau (HVCB) or Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA). For more information please contact: contact@shopbigisland.com Mahalo.